Propchain DAO - Governance


The Propchain Foundation, headquartered in Panama, is a non-profit organization committed to revolutionizing the real estate industry through blockchain technology. Our mission is to enhance market dynamics, transparency, and sustainability to reshape the future of real estate. PropchainDAO plays a crucial role in supporting the Foundation's decision-making processes, focusing on the utility token, ecosystem development, treasury management, partnerships, grants, and global changes.

Governance Protocol Overview

PropchainDAO utilizes a token-based voting system to involve its community in key decision-making processes. This governance model ensures that every decision reflects the collective will of the PropchainDAO community, promoting a transparent and inclusive approach to ecosystem development.

Key Components

  • Token-Based Voting: Voting rights are granted based on the number of tokens held by a member. This includes both vested and unvested tokens, as well as the delegation of voting rights.

  • Proposal Submission: Members can submit proposals through various channels. All submissions are reviewed and published by the Foundation management team, ensuring that proposals align with the overall protocol and ecosystem/foundation objectives.

  • Voting Mechanism: Votes are cast based on the amount of tokens held in a member's pre-sale vesting wallets and unlocked tokens. The option with the most votes is declared the winner.

  • Voting Period: Each voting session lasts for 7 days, providing ample time for all eligible members to participate.

Participation in Governance


  • Token Holders: Only token holders are eligible to vote. This includes holders of both vested and unvested tokens.

  • Non-Token Holders: Participation in the governance process is exclusive to token holders. However, anyone can purchase tokens and become eligible to vote, reflecting the DAO's open and inclusive nature.

Submitting Proposals

Members interested in submitting proposals can do so through designated channels. The Foundation management team is responsible for reviewing, approving, and publishing proposals for voting. Proposals can cover any aspect of the protocol and ecosystem/foundation, including but not limited to utility token dynamics, ecosystem expansion, treasury management, and strategic partnerships.

Voting on Proposals

Voting is a straightforward process where the number of tokens directly correlates with voting power. All eligible voters can cast their votes on submitted proposals during the designated 7-day voting period. The outcome is determined by the majority of votes cast, ensuring that the decision reflects the collective preference of the PropchainDAO community.


PropchainDAO's governance protocol is designed to empower its community, ensuring that every member has a voice in the Foundation's direction and decision-making process. By participating in governance, token holders can contribute to the development and success of PropchainDAO, shaping the future of the real estate industry through blockchain technology.

Last updated